
عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2018


STARTED THE DIET AND HAD TO STOP BEFORE FINISHING THE 28 DAYS his diet will always be here for you, and healthy, metabolism-enhancing eating at any time can promote healing and health in your body. Believe me, I understand that life happens. I had a client that was with me for three years and didn’t lose a single pound. The mochas, sudden business trips, divorce, deaths in her family, caring for an elderly parent and just life were enough to pull her off the program again and again. I was impressed we were able to keep her from gaining and keep her diabetes in line. Then one day the stars aligned and she did four straight months of the Fast Metabolism Diet. She lost 65 pounds. I am patient and ready when you are! I’ve got a full 28 days to give you. These are my survival strategies when real life happens and gets in the way of our “perfect” health plan. I know I said that you were mine for only 28 days, but I want you to know the door is always open and the same principles of healing a...

Weight Loss: Feel empowered, feel strong

Weight Loss: Feel empowered, feel strong It’s important to understand that while guilt is fattening and stress is fattening, feeling guilty about being stressed is the most fattening of all! So get massages this week, take a hot bath in lavender oil, try to take your cardio outside at the beach or a park, and be prepared with your food because it is what will coast you through. I once had a client who, with great anxiety, told me that he was almost all the way through a pear he had grabbed as a quick snack when he realized he was in Phase 2. “I panicked!” he said. Don’t panic; just be prepared. During week two, make a conscious effort to let stress and guilt go. Stress evokes hormone responses we don’t want right now, so if you have slipped or mixed up phases, don’t stress. Just move forward with greater consciousness. The best thing you can do for yourself, besides sticking to the plan, is to keep feeling great about what you are doing. Feel empowered, feel strong, and if you make a m...

weight loss means they can start changing the rules of the plan

weight loss means they can start changing the rules of the plan Week two is always an interesting one. Often, people start to freak out a little about what just happened and what is going to happen next. Week two can be a bit of a roller-coaster ride, both emotionally and organizationally. OMG, you haven’t been on the program long enough for it to feel like second nature and haven’t quite gotten the rhythm of it all down pat, but all you know is that it’s exciting! Also, you might be excited or afraid or even confused about how your body is reacting to the program. Have you lost enough weight? Lost too much weight? Finally coming out of your coffee and refined sugar withdrawals only to find you don’t even remember much of last week? Let’s take a collective deep breath and soldier on, letting the program tether us to continuity, consistency, and repair. The momentum will increase this next week, so don’t fight it or get too creative—just stick with the flow. People usually react to this...


Best Diet: YOUR DAILY MEAL MAP FOR WEEK ONE When my clients come into my office we create meal maps for the week so they know exactly what to eat at any given moment. This planning ahead makes the program a no-brainer and so easy to follow. I’ve created a meal map below for you. All the meals have already been filled out. You can switch meals within phases, or use some of these meals but not others. As long as you are sticking to the phase-specific foods and categories for each meal and snack, and your portions are correct, you can always adapt this to your own needs. (See “Personalizing and Building Your Own Meal Maps,” for step-by-step instruction on crafting your own meal map.) Notice that each phase is highlighted. I’ve written the meal components above, and in a line below, the foods or recipes that can work for that meal. Foods with recipes in the back of the book are written in bold and have been labeled according to their phase. Remember, this will involve some cooking, but don...

Special Diets: Focus on the things that really stand out to you as delicious

Special Diets: Focus on the things that really stand out to you as delicious That being said, you are likely to see a good chunk of weight loss this week.  and sometimes a little more. That can feel scary, too. Some people wonder if it’s happening too fast, if they are burning muscle instead of fat. Others are impatient and think it isn’t happening fast enough, or they fear they aren’t being successful enough. Another thing I warn my clients about for week one is that this week, you’re going to have to get used to having a lot of a lot. What I mean is that on some days, you’re going to have a lot of fruit. On other days, you’re going to have a lot of protein. On some days, you’ll have a lot of vegetables. On other days, you’ll have a lot of fat. (A lot) is designed to enrich the body, giving it the nutrients it needs so that it can manufacture things like muscle, bone, hair, skin, and nails. Don’t forget our main goal here: to transform the metabolism so we can actually extract the...

Weight Loss: three phases of the Fast Metabolism

Weight Loss: three phases of the Fast Metabolism   Four Weeks to Fabulous This week, we’re going to take your body through all three phases of the Fast Metabolism Diet. You’ll be on Phase 1 for two days, Phase 2 for two days, and Phase 3 for three days. You’re going to eat a lot of food, and some of it may seem too good to be true. You might not love everything, but you’re learning this week what you do and don’t like in each phase. You’re going to learn a lot. I know you’re excited to get started, and I’m ready to talk you through it, every step of the way. In this chapter, you’re going to fill out your first official meal map, and you’re going to fill it out with all the meals and snacks you get to eat this week. Or, if you just want me to tell you what to eat, you can go by the Week One Ideal Meal Map that I’ve already prepared for you. I find that some of my clients want me to tell them exactly what to eat, while others want to figure it all out for themselves. Whichever one de...

Meal Plans: The meal map will be your guide for keeping track of your day

Meal Plans: The meal map will be your guide for keeping track of your day Some clients want a meal map to follow, period. That’s why I provide you with an ideal meal map of suggested foods in the next four chapters, for each of the upcoming four weeks of the Fast Metabolism Diet. For many clients, however, a more personalized approach sometimes works better, so I’ve provided this section for those who’d like to fill out their own maps for the next four weeks. The meal map will be your guide for keeping track of your day, like when you get up, what phase it is, and what you will be eating. Your personalized meal map will allow you to fill in the foods  you love to eat, while still staying within each phase. Use the phase-specific food lists from the last chapter or refer to the Master Food Lists at the back of the book to decide what you want ahead of time. Then, when your week begins, you’ll have everything you’ll need, and you’ll know exactly what to eat—and you can be assured it ...

Healthy Recipes: The Fast Metabolism Diet is designed to include three days

Healthy Recipes: The Fast Metabolism Diet is designed to include three days  The Fast Metabolism Diet is designed to include three days of exercise per week: • One day of cardio in Phase 1 • One day of strength-training in Phase 2 • One day of yoga, stretching, or deep-breathing in Phase 3 That means you can do the treadmill or spin class during Phase 1, a Body Pump class during Phase 2, and your Vinyasa or Bikram yoga class during Phase 3. If you don’t belong to a gym, you can take a brisk walk or run around the neighborhood during Phase 1. During Phase 2, you can lift weights at home, even if you just have a set of dumbbells. During Phase 3, do a yoga or stretching DVD, or check out some of the great deep-breathing exercises on YouTube. Just remember: Don’t mix and match your exercises. They are phase-specific, too, like your food lists. If you haven’t been exercising at all, the three days is all you have to do. What if you are an exercise fanatic? I’ve had clients tell me, “But...