weight loss means they can start changing the rules of the plan

weight loss means they can start changing the rules of the plan

Week two is always an interesting one. Often, people start to freak out a little about what just happened and what is going to happen next. Week two can be a bit of a roller-coaster ride, both emotionally and organizationally. OMG, you haven’t been on the program long enough for it to feel like second nature and haven’t quite gotten the rhythm of it all down pat, but all you know is that it’s exciting! Also, you might be excited or afraid or even confused about how your body is reacting to the program. Have you lost enough weight? Lost too much weight? Finally coming out of your coffee and refined sugar withdrawals only to find you don’t even remember much of last week? Let’s take a collective deep breath and soldier on, letting the program tether us to continuity, consistency, and repair. The momentum will increase this next week, so don’t fight it or get too creative—just stick with the flow. People usually react to this scary feeling of increasing momentum in one of two ways: terrified the weight loss is going to stop if they restrict their portions or they double up on their servings thinking they can go rogue and experience the same weight loss.

A lot of my clients see significant weight loss in week one, and sometimes they are terrified that it’s going to stop. They think maybe it was just a fluke or sheer luck or not sustainable. They often react by cutting their portions. They pull back their protein servings to 3 ounces and their vegetable servings to ½ cup at dinner, eating nothing but protein and veggies in Phase 1, leaving out the critical grain. Or they skip their fruit at breakfast in Phase 3, thinking that less food will give them even more weight loss. This is exactly the wrong thing to do if you are trying to heat up your metabolism.

The other way they react is to say something like this to themselves, “Oh, my gosh, I’ve lost so much weight, this can’t be healthy, I better eat more.” Or, “Hey, if I can lose that much weight doing exactly what Haylie says, then I should be able to eat even more and it is okay if I don’t lose as much in the second week!” Then they go rogue and start cheating, adding carbs or fats in the wrong places and phases, until they slide back into their old habits.

Both of these dysfunctional strategies will stop weight loss in its tracks.

I had a client who had significant weight loss in her first week. She had been an angel and it had paid off big time. During week two, her food diary showed that she had pulled a lot of the grain servings out of her meal map in Phase 1, and left the avocado off her toast in Phase 3. She even skipped a 3:00 snack because she wasn’t hungry. She thought, “If I’m doing this well and I’m this full and this satisfied, just imagine what I could do if I took more food away!”She then decided to do four spin classes and an intense run in a span of five days. When we sat down together at the end of week two, she had only lost a pound and was feeling pretty ragged out. I couldn’t believe how easy it was for me to convince her to begin the whole program over—that’s right, we started from scratch! She went on to have a glorious, satisfied, successful four weeks and saw a lot more of her massage therapist and a lot less of her spin instructor.

Because my client had limited so much of the food and had increased her intense exercise, I was concerned that her starvation-mode hormones would be in full swing. If the body goes into starvation mode, that will increase stress hormones. And what do stress hormones do? They signal the body to store fat rather than burn it. So this week, be so gentle with yourself and be mindful of stress.

Stress is definitely a factor in week two—this is exactly why I call it the OMG week! People get stressed about how much weight they lost, about whether their weight loss is fast enough or too fast. Or, they go in the opposite direction, wondering whether their excessive weight loss means they can start changing the rules of the plan.


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