Meal Plans: The meal map will be your guide for keeping track of your day

Meal Plans: The meal map will be your guide for keeping track of your day

Some clients want a meal map to follow, period. That’s why I provide you with an ideal meal map of suggested foods in the next four chapters, for each of the upcoming four weeks of the Fast Metabolism Diet. For many clients, however, a more personalized approach sometimes works better, so I’ve provided this section for those who’d like to fill out their own maps for the next four weeks.

The meal map will be your guide for keeping track of your day, like when you get up, what phase it is, and what you will be eating. Your personalized meal map will allow you to fill in the foods youlove to eat, while still staying within each phase. Use the phase-specific food lists from the last chapter or refer to the Master Food Lists at the back of the book to decide what you want ahead of time. Then, when your week begins, you’ll have everything you’ll need, and you’ll know exactly what to eat—and you can be assured it will be foods you already know you like.

When I meet with clients, I help them do this. We spend a lot of time filling out their meal maps based on their preferences. I like to ask them: What foods do you love? I have them highlight all the foods they already know they love on the food list for that phase, and then circle the foods they would like to try. Then I have them look over the food lists and cross off anything they don’t like.

Next, we fill out the meal map. I like to start in pencil and always begin with snacks. Working from the phase-appropriate lists, we fill in the snacks you know you will like. Then we go to the breakfasts and dinners. Finally, we do the lunches because these are good for leftovers from either breakfast or dinnerlike crumbling leftover turkey bacon from breakfast on your salad for lunch, or having a filet for dinner and saving just enough for a steak lettuce wrap for the next day.


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