Weight Loss: three phases of the Fast Metabolism

Weight Loss: three phases of the Fast Metabolism 

Four Weeks to Fabulous

This week, we’re going to take your body through all three phases of the Fast Metabolism Diet. You’ll be on Phase 1 for two days, Phase 2 for two days, and Phase 3 for three days. You’re going to eat a lot of food, and some of it may seem too good to be true. You might not love everything, but you’re learning this week what you do and don’t like in each phase. You’re going to learn a lot.

I know you’re excited to get started, and I’m ready to talk you through it, every step of the way. In this chapter, you’re going to fill out your first official meal map, and you’re going to fill it out with all the meals and snacks you get to eat this week. Or, if you just want me to tell you what to eat, you can go by the Week One Ideal Meal Map that I’ve already prepared for you. I find that some of my clients want me to tell them exactly what to eat, while others want to figure it all out for themselves. Whichever one describes you, you’ve got the tools.
So let’s talk about week one, what I like to call Freefall Week.


Week one is exciting, but because this is so different, it can also be confusing and a little scary. Remember, I want to confuse your metabolism, but I don’t want to confuse you. But in beginning the plan, you’re about to go through a lot of changes. This new way of eating might take a little getting used to at first.

Also, you may have to make peace with your old food demons. As you prepare to begin the diet, they may rear their ugly heads. Your former obsessions with calorie counting or carb counting, your fear of fruit or meat or fat, your past failures—all of it is likely to come to the table. Hear my words: they are unwelcome guests for this feast. Freefall with me and check those old demons at the door. I want you to be ready for this, I want you to understand what’s happening and I want you to know you are not alone on this journey

Here are some of the things I hear from my clients right before they begin week one:

• I can’t lose weight with that many carbs.

• I lost weight before on Diet XYZ, and this doesn’t sound anything like Diet XYZ.

• I can’t stick to diets. I have no willpower.

• I’m afraid I won’t like the food!

• What if I eat too much for it to work?

• What if I don’t lose weight the first week?

What if? What if? What if?

I get a lot of skeptics at the beginning, so the biggest thing I tell people for week one is to trust. Let go of your preconceived ideas and past diet history. Let go of being so vested in how you think your body will or won’t react to this diet. You don’t know what will happen. You haven’t even started. I’m asking you to freefall a little bit this week, to let yourself go and dive into this. Recognize how much you are asking of your body. Notice the paradigm shift, but don’t get worked up about it or let it freak you out. Let the plan feel easy. Yes, it’s a little scary, but I need you to just let go, trust it and commit to doing it, even if you don’t know exactly what to expect. Even though you’re nervous, or a little bit scared.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

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