Healthy Eating: Why are alkalizing vegetables so crucial?

Healthy Eating: Why are alkalizing vegetables so crucial?

Because for healthy functioning, your body must maintain a certain pH level. That means the amount of acid in your bloodstream has to be kept within a certain range for life to continue and for your body to function well. This pH can be affected by what you eat. Some foods, like meat, tend to stimulate acid production, because it takes more acid to break down and digest meat. Diets that focus on large amounts of meat without the addition of a lot of alkalizing vegetables can cause the body to become too acidic, putting it into a state of keto-acidosis. During this state, you might hyper-mobilize fat, but at great expense. Many people dieting this way become carb resistant and prone to aggressive weight gain once they deviate from this way of eating. It is also hard on the kidneys, increases stress hormones, and increases systemic inflammation. 

Doing a high-protein diet without all the veggies also slows down your metabolism horrifically, putting you into an even worse state than you were to begin with. As soon as you go off this pure-protein diet, you’ll gain 40 pounds. I’ve seen it happen over and over again. If you’ve been on a diet like this, your metabolism is likely to require some serious repair. If you were ever a body builder in a past life, you also understand the muscle-related dangers of the body from becoming too acidic—they get lactic acid buildup and they can’t lay down muscle efficiently.

The magic of Phase 2 is that it combines high protein with a huge amount of green vegetables, and green veggies are alkalizing. The large volume of vegetables during Phase 2 is crucial in preventing the body from going into this unwanted state of acidity. These veggies also stimulate digestive enzymes that increase the rate of fat burn, like kindling for your fire. Most vegetables are alkalizing, but low-glycemic green vegetables tend to be the most alkalizing of all. That’s why certain diets that promote green juices and green smoothies often advertise themselves as alkaline diets.

Green vegetables do wonderful things for you when you are upping your ingestion of meat protein, so shovel ’em in to keep your body’s pH in check and everything running smoothly. Think of it this way: the protein is the log and the green vegetables are the kindling. It’s hard to light a log, but add kindling and you’ll have a crackling fire in no time. Put protein and alkalizing green vegetables together and your metabolism will ignite.

Your body is perfectly primed to digest all this protein now, specifically because we’ve already tickled your digestive enzymes during Phase 1, but the digestive enzymes stimulated by all the vegetables in Phase 2 will enhance this digestive effect even more dramatically. Now we can really push the envelope with protein, but because we still keep the fat low, your digestion is even more challenged than it was in Phase 1. Whew, what a metabolic workout! But remember, it is only for two days, then we will be on to the next phase of healing and repair.

We’re building your body’s capabilities back up gradually, with the help of all the phytonutrients in these low-glycemic vegetables. Green vegetables, in addition to being alkalizing, are rich in nitrogen, which is essential for muscle building. Nitrogen also helps the body break down all that protein into the amino acids that will be delivered to the muscles to promote muscle retention and development. All the protein you’re eating will be easily incorporated into your body. Phase 2 literally transforms your body’s composition, building muscle where you need it and torching fat where you don’t, taking the raw materials and creating a beautiful temple called you.

My meat-loving clients really enjoy this phase, and former low-carbers are comfortable here, too. If you love a dinner of steak and 
hat increase the rate of fat burn, like kindling for your fire. Most vegetables are alkalizing, but low-glycemic green vegetables tend to be the most alkalizing of all. That’s why certain diets that promote green juices and green smoothies often advertise themselves as alkaline diets.

Green vegetables do wonderful things for you when you are upping your ingestion of meat protein, so shovel ’em in to keep your body’s pH in check and everything running smoothly. Think of it this way: the protein is the log and the green vegetables are the kindling. It’s hard to light a log, but add kindling and you’ll have a crackling fire in no time. Put protein and alkalizing green vegetables together and your metabolism will ignite.

Your body is perfectly primed to digest all this protein now, specifically because we’ve already tickled your digestive enzymes during Phase 1, but the digestive enzymes stimulated by all the vegetables in Phase 2 will enhance this digestive effect even more dramatically. Now we can really push the envelope with protein, but because we still keep the fat low, your digestion is even more challenged than it was in Phase 1. Whew, what a metabolic workout! But remember, it is only for two days, then we will be on to the next phase of healing and repair.

We’re building your body’s capabilities back up gradually, with the help of all the phytonutrients in these low-glycemic vegetables. Green vegetables, in addition to being alkalizing, are rich in nitrogen, which is essential for muscle building. Nitrogen also helps the body break down all that protein into the amino acids that will be delivered to the muscles to promote muscle retention and development. All the protein you’re eating will be easily incorporated into your body. Phase 2 literally transforms your body’s composition, building muscle where you need it and torching fat where you don’t, taking the raw materials and creating a beautiful temple called you.

My meat-loving clients really enjoy this phase, and former low-carbers are comfortable here, too. If you love a dinner of steak and salad, or pork loin and broccoli, or filet of sole with asparagus, you’ll enjoy this phase. You probably won’t even miss those carbs because you just had so many of them during Phase 1. And remember, Phase 2 only lasts for two days. Those two days will fly by when you think about how much fat you’re Unlocking and how much metabolism-firing muscle you’re building.


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