YOU KNOW YOUR GOAL WEIGHT: Weight Loss- Meal Plans

 How much do you want to weigh? I’m asking you, not telling you, because you already know 
It’s a number that is completely unique and individual to you. It’s the weight that makes you happy, and it has nothing to do with the weight that will make someone else happy.

I’ve had clients who weighed 250 pounds, and they knew they would be happy and comfortable at 180 pounds. Other clients feel best at 150 pounds, or 130 pounds. Your goal is to be able to feel and eat like a “normal person.” No chart can tell you what that means for you.

I never recommend going by weight charts or the BMI. I hate the BMI! I just can’t bring myself to recommend it to my clients. I’m not going to put any weight charts in this book because chronic dieters already have a number in their heads. When you reach it, you might decide to set a new goal. But for now, decide what you want to weigh, and write that number here.

My current goal weight is

IF YOU HAVE 20 POUNDS OR FEWER TO LOSE: Go by the basic portions listed below, and the portions included in the recipes in this book.

FOR EVERY ADDITIONAL 20 POUNDS YOU WANT TO LOSE: Add a half portion. For example, if a portion of chili is 2 cups, and you want to lose 20 pounds, then you would have 2 cups of chili. If you want to lose 30 to 40 pounds, you should have 3 cups. If you want to lose 50 or 60 pounds, then a portion is 4 cups. Yes, 4 cups.

If you have a lot of weight to lose, starving yourself is the last thing you want to do. You need food to fire up your metabolism, and only food will help you lose that extra weight. The more you weigh, the more food it takes to get your metabolism moving. As you get closer to your goal weight, reduce your portions according to the same formula.

Basic portion sizes (for losing 20 pounds or less) on the Fast Metabolism Diet are as follows. Use these when you don’t have a recipe with portion sizes to go by.


• 4 ounces of meat, 6 ounces of fish, or ½ cup cooked legumes (like lentils or black beans) in all phases. If you need to lose more than 20 pounds, a serving is 6 ounces of meat, 9 ounces of fish, or ¾ cup cooked legumes. If you need more, go up from there using the formula I taught you. If eating deli meat as a snack, one portion is 2 ounces, or about 3 to 4 thin slices from the deli counter.

• 3 egg whites (Phases 1 and 2) or 1 whole egg (Phase 3)


• In Phase 1: 1 cup cooked grains, or 1 ounce (about 28 to 30 grams) or about ¼ cup of crackers or pretzels

• In Phase 2: None. This is the grain-free phase

• In Phase 3, grain portions are smaller: ½ cup cooked grains or ½ ounce (about 15 grams) of crackers or pretzels. As with the other categories, add a half serving for every additional 20 pounds you want to lose


• 1 piece or 1 cup of phase-appropriate fruit in all phases, again adding a half serving for each additional 20 pounds you want to lose. (Remember, in Phase 2, the only allowed fruits are lemons and limes.)


• Phase 1: None added to food or cooking (because it’s a low-fat phase).

• Phase 2: None added to food or cooking (because it’s a low-fat phase).

• Phase 3: ½ avocado, ¼ cup raw nuts, ¼ cup hummus or guacamole, 2 tablespoons raw nut or seed 
butter (like almond 
the more food it takes to get your metabolism moving. As you get closer to your goal weight, reduce your portions according to the same formula.
Basic portion sizes (for losing 20 pounds or less) on the Fast Metabolism Diet are as follows. Use these when you don’t have a recipe with portion sizes to go by
• 4 ounces of meat, 6 ounces of fish, or ½ cup cooked legumes (like lentils or black beans) in all phases. If you need to lose more than 20 pounds, a serving is 6 ounces of meat, 9 ounces of fish, or ¾ cup cooked legumes. If you need more, go up from there using the formula I taught you. If eating deli meat as a snack, one portion is 2 ounces, or about 3 to 4 thin slices from the deli counter.
• 3 egg whites (Phases 1 and 2) or 1 whole egg (Phase 3)
• In Phase 1: 1 cup cooked grains, or 1 ounce (about 28 to 30 grams) or about ¼ cup of crackers or pretzels.
• In Phase 2: None. This is the grain-free phase.
• In Phase 3, grain portions are smaller: ½ cup cooked grains or ½ ounce (about 15 grams) of crackers or pretzels. As with the other categories, add a half serving for every additional 20 pounds you want to lose.
• 1 piece or 1 cup of phase-appropriate fruit in all phases, again adding a half serving for each additional 20 pounds you want to lose. (Remember, in Phase 2, the only allowed fruits are lemons and limes).
• Phase 1: None added to food or cooking (because it’s a low-fat phase).
• Phase 2: None added to food or cooking (because it’s a low-fat phase).
• Phase 3: ½ avocado, ¼ cup raw nuts, ¼ cup hummus or guacamole, 2 tablespoons raw nut or seed butter (like almond butter or sunflower butter), 2 to 4 tablespoons salad dressing. Again, add a half serving for every additional 20 pounds you want to lose.


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