Healthy Recipes: Don’t neglect your vegetable serving at breakfast This is very important

Healthy Recipes: Don’t neglect your vegetable serving at breakfast This is very important

Don’t neglect your vegetable serving at breakfast during Phase 3! This is very important. Vegetables contain cellulose, and when you consume a lot of cellulose, your body creates a lot of proteolytic enzymes in order to break everything down into usable and digestible components. When we eat a lot of fat, we want to make sure it is also broken down and converted to energy. You can’t have the fat consumption and the fat release without this breakdown if you want the fat to get out of your body. This phase isn’t complete without the breakdown, and that breakdown is facilitated by vegetables.

Remember, like Phase 1, Phase 3 can be deceptive because it feels so good. But you are still doing a lot of internal work. You’re happy to do it because you’ve got all those feel-good hormones coursing through your brain, making you feel satiated and content, but it’s still work to scavenge all that surface fat and digest it. It requires a lot of energy, and energy requires food. I’ve told you before that calories in do not equal calories out, and this is true nowhere more than in Phase 3, but this won’t work if you aren’t eating your vegetables. Even for breakfast.

When you start providing your body with all that beautiful, rich, good fat, after all the work your body has been doing to find fat to metabolize in your own body, now it gets a rest. You flood your body with dietary fat, and your body goes, “Ahhhh, there it is.” And then it starts burning its own fat, right along with the fat you are eating! The dietary fat that is so easy to break down helps release a flood of fat-melting enzymes from the gallbladder that then go postal on your own fat stores, rooting them out and tossing them in the metaphorical furnace. Ironically, eating fat after not eating it for a few days makes you start burning fat like crazy. This is a classic example of why by Unwinding your stress hormones, Unlocking stored fat, and Unleashing fat-burning hormones, you keep the metabolism guessing. This is exactly why the “confuse it to lose it” method is so effective.

This phase is intense and powerful. The influx of good, healthy dietary fats feeds your brain and your sex drive, your thyroid, and also your adrenal glands. Everything starts humming along like a well-oiled machine. Because fat contains more energy than carbs or protein, you may notice a surge of energy during Phase 3. Blood flow increases and your metabolism starts to burn even hotter. In Phase 3, two very interesting things are happening at once: the intensity of the fat burn and the wonderful, relaxing effect of having enough fat intake.

Just like yoga lowers stress hormones, so does Phase 3 by providing the nutrients the body needs to generate anti-stress hormones.

All this fat burning and hormone production is a big job, though. It feels good, but it’s also intense. Part of the intensity of this phase is due to your body’s purging a lot of toxins stored in your fat that have now been released. So it will be extremely important to drink a lot of water especially now, and keep your bowels moving. Even consider taking a sauna during Phase 3 to help sweat out some of the toxins. It’s so important and vital to keep everything moving out. This toxin release contributes to your new thinner, tighter look because, when the toxins come out, so does the swelling and inflammation and even some of those lumpy bumpy spots (aka, cellulite). But if you don’t release the toxins and excess fat, they’re just going to get reabsorbed into your body. You’ll take fat from your right hip and put it on your left hip. You’ll take dimples off your belly and put them on your butt. That’s not what we’re going for here. We want to flush them away. We want them gone.

Envision that thick yellow fat hanging out in your bloodstream (you released it from your fat cells in Phase 2) just starting to evaporate. Phase 3’s hormones help convert that fat into water-soluble.
substances that you can easily break down in the mitochondria for  
energy and that can also be easily excreted through the sweat, urine, and blood. It’s all melting away, baby, and you’re looking good.

If the toxin concentration is too dense, your kidneys will send a red alert out to the hypothalamus, adrenals, pituitary, and thyroid to slow things down again. It’s the last thing we want to do during the release process, so it’s crucial to have enough water on board. Water helps dilute the toxins, so the excretory process doesn’t cause as much stress.


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