THE RULES : eat five times a day, and only the foods on the list

These rules are simple and easier to follow than you may think. And if you need further incentive, know that following them makes you feel amazing. Many of my clients have loved how they felt so much that they incorporated these rules into their permanent lifestyles and never looked back. If you remember nothing else, remember this: eat five times a day, and only the foods on the list for your phase.

Rule #1: You must eat five times a day. That’s three meals and two snacks per day. No skipping.

Rule #2: You must eat every three to four hours, except when you’re sleeping.

Rule #3: You must eat within 30 minutes of waking. Every day.

Rule #4: You must stay on the plan for the full 28 days.

Rule #5: You must stick to the foods allowed on your phase. Religiously. I repeat: only eat from the food list for your phase.

Rule #6: You must follow the phases in order.

Rule #7: You must drink half your body weight in fluid ounces of water every day.

Rule #8: Eat organic whenever possible.

Rule #9: Meat choices must be nitrate-free.

Rule #10: You must exercise three times per week, according to your phase.


Rule #1: No wheat

Rule #2: No corn

Rule #3: No dairy

Rule #4: No soy

Rule #5: No refined sugar

Rule #6: No caffeine

Rule #7: No alcohol

Rule #8: No dried fruit or fruit juices

Rule #9: No artificial sweeteners

Rule #10: No fat-free “diet foods

And above all, remember to think back to the acronym DIET: Did I Eat Today


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

weight loss means they can start changing the rules of the plan

Special Diets: Focus on the things that really stand out to you as delicious