The first thing to consider is your schedule. If you work outside the home and have a strict schedule, it will likely determine when and how you eat. For example, maybe you can’t get up and have a good breakfast within 30 minutes of waking because you have to rush to the office, and you usually eat something there. No problem. As long as you eat something within the first 30 minutes of waking, you’re still following the rules. Just switch your morning snack and your breakfast. Have an apple as you’re getting ready for work, or a hard-boiled egg on the train. 

Once you get to work, make your phase-specific meal: your oatmeal or toast, eggs or turkey wrap, or celery with almond butter. You’ll also need to think about which food choices will work when you aren’t at home. If your office has a kitchen, great. If not, will you need to pack a breakfast the night before?

If you work the night shift, your schedule will be different. As long as you are eating within 30 minutes of waking, and every three to four hours after that, it doesn’t matter what time of day you begin, whether that’s 6:00 A.M., 6:00 P.M., or any other time.

Your work schedule or other aspects of your life may also impact when you have dinner. If you tend to eat dinner very late, you may need to have an afternoon and an evening snack before dinner to be sure you are eating every three to four hours.

Your daily schedule can also impact what day you start the diet. Although I generally recommend starting on Monday so you are in Phase 3 on the weekend, when the food choices are a little more liberal, this doesn’t work for everyone. I have one client who has date night with her husband every Wednesday night. For her, it works best to start on Saturday. Saturday and Sunday are her carb-rich, sugar-rich Phase 1 days; this melds best with the way she eats on the weekends with her family. Monday and Tuesday are family dinner nights, so she cooks meat and vegetables for everyone, and finds it easy to adhere to Phase 2. On date night, she is in Phase 3, so she can go out for Mexican food and enjoy guacamole, or Middle Eastern food and enjoy hummus, or she can have salmon sashimi at a sushi restaurant. Thursday and Friday are her remaining fun Phase 3 days, and then by Saturday, she’s ready for Phase 1 again.

Think about your own schedule in these terms are there particular days when it would definitely be easier to be in a particular phase every week? Plan your start date based on that. Any schedule can work with the rules, especially if you always have Crash Stash snacks in your purse or desk. This is crucial. You can make the Fast Metabolism Diet work with your life, as long as you plan ahead.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

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